Affiliations &

Our Supporters

Affiliations are so very important.  This is a place to celebrate and recognise those who have assisted DogGone Depression in any capacity.

  • Special mention must be made to the following  supporters who have provided significant resources, often during someones pivotal points in time.
  • All of this support has enabled DogGone Depression to make significant impact in implement programs.

Affiliations & Supporters

Also,  honored to have you as one of our partners, and we hope that you will continue to support us in the future.

As a sponsor, your financial contribution is vital to our mission. We truly appreciate your interest in helping our organization thrive. You can rest assured that your generous donation is being put to good use.

Lastly, we hope that the sponsor package we sent you will help you to feel connected with our mission and organization. If there is something else that we can provide for your business, please let us know.

Jump Start Your Life & Join the Pack of Heroes who are All In

THANK YOU, to our Affiliations

Or Call:  248.417.3219